Research Articles

Common Causes and Treatment of Heel PainHeel pain is a common ailment that is frequently misdiagnosed because there can be a lot going on in a small space. A review article recently looked at the mos ...more
Toes are like teeth, you take them for granted until they hurt and then you realize how much you rely on them and are amazed at how much pain they can cause. Toe instability resulting in a rigid defo ...more
For a long time now, studies have repeatedly shown that surgery is the better way to treat Achilles tendon ruptures. Patients got better faster and returned to work and play sooner. And there were few ...more
Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition affecting the bottom of the foot. It is a common cause of heel pain and is sometimes called a heel spur. Plantar fasciitis is the correct term to use when ther ...more
Hallux rigidus is a degenerative type of arthritis that affects the large joint at the base of the big toe. Degenerative arthritis can result from wear and tear on the joint surface over time. The con ...more
The causes and effects of tarsal coalition are presented in this article from The Children's University Hospital in Dublin, Ireland. Some of the information comes from CT scans of patients being treat ...more
Many people are born with oddly shaped bones, extra bones, or fused bones and never know about it. In fact, studies show up to one-third of the general population have what is called an accessory (ext ...more
Research continues in the area of treatment for Achilles tendon ruptures. The last 10 years has brought a change from placing patients in a nonweight-bearing cast to using an ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) ...more
Most people are familiar with bunions of the big toe but have you ever heard of a bunionette on the little toe side of the foot? With a bunion of the big toe, a large bump seems to grow out of the sid ...more
In this review article, a Physical Therapist from the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse explains what a cuboid syndrome is, causes, effects, diagnosis, and treatment. A complete review of the anatom ...more
In many ways, hallux valgus more commonly known as "bunions" remains a mystery. What causes it? Why does it seem to run in some families but not others? Is it caused by wearing pointy shoes? If it is ...more
You may have heard the expression, What you see is what you get. Well, in medical research that isn't always the case. Time can be an important factor. For example, treatment results using platelet-ri ...more
The search for pain relief from plantar fasciitis continues. In this study, a podiatrist reports on the results of comparing four different treatments for plantar fasciitis. One hundred patients recei ...more
In this study, orthopedic surgeons from The OrthoCarolina Foot and Ankle Institute in North Carolina asked three questions about navicular stress fractures. Let's orient ourselves to the navicular bon ...more
New Information on the Role of the Biceps Pulley in Shoulder Pain You've probably never heard of the biceps pulley system. But anyone who has had a rotator cuff tear or who has pain along the front o ...more
Physical Therapists are front and center in the nonsurgical treatment of plantar fasciitis, a painful foot condition that affects 10 per cent of all Americans at some time in their lives. With an esti ...more
Falls from a height or car accidents that cause fractures of the heel change a person's life forever. The impact often causes more than one fracture of the calcaneus (heel bone). The injury can also a ...more
The debate continues among surgeons about the best way to treat Achilles tendon ruptures early on after they have happened. The first question is whether to operate and repair the torn tendon or treat ...more
In this review article, orthopedic surgeons remind us how midfoot injuries called Lisfranc injuries come about, why they are called by that funny name, how the physician makes the diagnosis, and what ...more
It can be difficult to advise parents or caretakers of children with traumatic fractures of the talus because this type of fracture is rare. We know how these fractures develop (the mechanism of injur ...more
The ankle is a very complex joint and a bad break affecting the joint itself can lead to considerable pain and disability. Older age and certain health factors can add misery to an already difficult s ...more
Many people suffer from foot pain attributed to plantar fasciitis. But when the pain becomes chronic and lasts months to years, the problem isn't one of inflammation but rather a failure to heal. The ...more
If you pay attention to any sports news, then you know how sports radio and TV hosts talk endlessly about athletes' injuries. With more and more focus on sports, even the tiniest scratch or dent is he ...more
If we told you the rate of re-rupture after surgery for acute Achilles tendon injuries is four per cent (compared with 12 per cent for patients treated nonsurgically), would you have the surgery? At f ...more
Foot Pain: Causes and Treatment In this review article, orthopedic surgeons specializing in foot care bring us up-to-date on a type of foot pain called metatarsalgia. Metatarsals refer to the long bo ...more
You probably won't be surprised to know that front-end collisions resulting in airbag release cause significant physical injuries. The force of the bag inflating against the body protects the person f ...more
Joint replacements are widely used for the hip, knee, and shoulder. Ankle, elbow, and finger joint replacements are available but are less common. Now on the cutting edge are toe replacements -- speci ...more
A stress fracture is a broken bone, an overuse injury. It can happen in just about any bone, but is most common in the feet or the tibia, the shin bone. Diagnosing stress fractures can be difficult be ...more
Pain and stiffness of the first metatarsophalangeal joint (the "big toe" joint where it meets the foot) is fairly common and can be caused my any number of conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, fa ...more
Serendipity is a fancy word for the idea that sometimes things happen unexpectedly. And the results of the event have a positive effect on us or benefit us in some special way. Sometimes surgeons disc ...more
The "what,when, and why" of bunions explained. If you have a family history, or personal experience with bunions this article explains the rationale for orthotics in the prevention of bunions. Talk to ...more
Sometimes evidence-based medicine reveals some surprising findings. You may find this article interesting. Take for example, surgery for bunions, a condition referred to in medical terms as hallux val ...more
Most athletes really depend on their feet and ankles to propel them during sports activities. Running and jumping can become huge problems when the athlete experiences heel pain of any kind. The two m ...more
Despite the fact that every year, many people (athletes and nonathletes alike) injure their Achilles tendons, the best way to treat these injuries is still up in the air. Should you use ice? Are stero ...more